Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before proceeding. By using ReLive you agree to all the terms and conditions mentioned herein below:
Conditions pertaining to the use of ReLive
Your Account and Log-in.
You are responsible for your account and are responsible to use it in a prudent manner. If you have a reason to believe that your account is being used by somebody else then you shall inform ReLive immediately. You are also responsible to ensure that no unauthorized activities are being conducted from your account.
Please go through our Privacy policies before browsing our website. We at ReLive adhere to strict privacy policies with respect to handling customer information. Information provided by you shall be kept confidential and shall only be used to ensure the product /services availed of reach you.
Comments and Reviews
You may submit comments and write product reviews as long as they are not obscene, abusive, illegal and defamatory. relive reserves a right to report and block any comments and reviews that are obscene, abusive, illegal or defamatory and further reserves a right to make the information public if anyone is found to be posting wrong, obscene, abusive, illegal or defamatory comments and reviews.
You hereby warrant and take responsibility of whatever is posted by you on relive and agree to indemnify relive against any legal action taken and claims raised by any third party against relive arising out of content posted by you.
Everything on the website including texts, logos, icons, images, graphic, audio and video clips, compilation is the property of RELIVE, its affiliates or its content suppliers and is protected by the provisions of the Indian Copyright Act.
We clearly disclaim any warranties with regard to quality, reliability and performance of a product and any claim arising out of a faulty product shall be between the Seller i.e. the Brand and the consumer and we take no responsibility for the same. Decisions regarding claims on warranty shall be that of the brand and at no point shall RELIVE be liable for decisions taken by the Company (the Seller) with respect to replacements and refunds on the products.
Please do not share your Personal Information
Nobody at relive will seek any personal information like account password, credit / debit card details from you. If you receive any call or E-mail asking for your account password and credit/card details then you agree not to share any personal information and report the issue to relive immediately. At no point shall RELIVE be liable for any losses caused to the customer due to sharing of personal information with anyone.
Payment Options
What credit and debit cards does ReLive accept?
We accept VISA, MasterCard, Maestro & Rupay
Other Payment Options
Apart from Credit and Debit Cards, we accept payments by Internet Banking , PhonePe UPI and PAYTM
Secure Payments
Your payments with ReLive are secured and your information is safe with us which is why only the last four digits of your Credit/Debit Cards are displayed online. Online payments are made through secure payment gateways.
Payment issues
Relive shall not be held responsible for any payments that are :
- Without authorization
- Declined by the Bank/s
- Declined for any other reasons.
All the payments made on relive shall be made in Indian Rupees only and no payments shall be received in any other currency.
relive may ask you for you Government ID proof and address proof to ensure the authenticity of the transaction and you agree to produce the same when asked for.
relive reserves a right to restrict or block access of any of its users in addition to filing Civil and Criminal proceedings if it has knowledge or a reason to believe that any of its buyers are involved in giving false information and responsible for fraudulent transactions.